Saturday, April 26, 2014


OMG guys!

I was recently in England to visit some family, and I had taken my Nikon SLR camera with me, so I could take good quality photos while I was there.

I didn't misplace it or loose it.... UNTIL I had to take the train from Copenhagen to Aarhus to get all the way home. I had originally planned to get off in Aarhus, but I decided to get off at Skanderborg station to visit my Dad, and since Skanderborg Station is closer to his house I got off there. I put on my jacket and checked my seat - I was sure I hadn't forgot anything. And I was sure of that until the next day when I wanted to show my mom some pictures from my trip - MY CAMERA WAS NOT THERE!
At first i freaked out, but I knew there was only one place I could have left it - in the train. So I contacted DSB's lost and found department but didn't get an answer because it was Easter and it was closed. But yesterday my mom called the office in Aalborg, where the train went after Aarhus, and he finally found out, that they had given it to the police in Aalborg. So my mom called them and they had it! OMG I WAS SO HAPPY! Later that day my mom and her husband went to get it on their way to our cottage in northern Jutland.

So the crisis was averted and soon I can get back to filming with my Nikon! Mom saved the day <3

xoxo Daisy Ann

ps. keep your eyes on my youtube channel - there might be an England haul coming soon ;-)

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